Tuesday, 3 February 2009

What's happening for me?

Well...after the somewhat sprawling and yawn inducing first post (my 'manifesto') I thought I ought to just provide a choice few words on who I am, what I'm doing and why you might be interested to read anything that i have to say. 

I live in Brighton, England. I have been to many cities in my short life but can honestly say that Brighton is one of the good ones. I love living here for many reasons. Maybe i'll do a whole post on Brighton soon.

I am studying music at Sussex University and will finish studying this May...It's been great, I've loved it and will miss it, however my being brought to Brighton to study was basically God's way of transporting me from the lovely sleepy town in South Wales where i grew up to the hustle bustle and excitement of Brighton (almost three years ago...sheesh!) It was his way of getting me here to do things for him that i could never have imagined doing...I have truly found my home here. This city will be a significant feature of my time on this planet. I plan to stay here for the foreseeable future. (Build a family and get on God's mission. Jeremiah 29!) I am not saying that university has been inconsequential, but what i mean is that it has been something of a conduit...a passageway to a great many other things...i will elaborate later.

Most importantly I am an unashamed believer in Jesus Christ and his work. Without his help I would be screwed. Hopeless. Directionless. I have joy, peace, hope, promise, security and direction because I am no longer God's enemy. I am no longer God's enemy because Jesus came and lived an amazingly holy life; a life of holiness that i could never achieve even if i tried. He then traded his holiness with my filth and sin so that God could have me near him. God wants me near him because he really rather likes me, loves me in fact. Unfortunately he could never have me anywhere near him because of how unholy i am. Unholy things can't get within a bazillion miles of God. Jesus went to the cross, taking my filth and sin with him, where it was subjected to God's just anger towards it. God destroyed my sin, my jealousy, my hatred, my bitterness, my deceit and ultimately his own son, who took upon himself the punishment that HAD to be given. My disgustingness has to be punished and paid for, and that's what Jesus did when he was crucified. It was my sin that held Christ to the cross and my sin that was dealt with. So, Jesus basically took my old identity- as a foul, debased sinner, and took it to the cross with him to get destroyed. He then took his identity; as a perfect, righteous and sinless man, and gave it to me. Now when God sees me, he doesn't see the sin and filth, because its gone. He sees perfection! You may well be reading this thinking....'thats just crazy'....well, the truth is, it is crazy. I can't get my head around it, because its mind blowing and too good to be true. The effort that God has gone to to save me is crazy. Craziness! 

For the reasons so ineloquently outlined above, I am someone who loves to be with other humans that God has saved and redeemed and filled with joy and hope. That's why I actively and headstrongly attend CCK in Brighton, a large church filled with passionate, hopeful, life-loving Christians. No church is perfect, but CCK comes close. Don't even think about objecting until you have seen it. 


CCK is where i have met some of the most wonderful people on God's green earth. Too many to mention. I have made friends here that will have a profound and life long influence in my life. It is at CCK that i met Rebekah Campbell. We became close friends and decided we really loved each other. Now, almost two years later, we are going to get married and share our entire lives with one another. Before long her surname will have changed!!  Second to my love of Jesus Christ is my love for Rebekah. She is my soulmate, my inspiration my best friend and the most special, precious and beautiful human being that God has ever created.

The third great joy of my life is music. Playing music and singing is something i am programmed to do. Something i was designed to do. Because of my involvement in my church i get to make music and sing with some amazing, influential and talented people, all over the country (and abroad)  and sometimes in front of thousands of people. My best friends are these musicians. They are all wonderful, inspiring people.

 I play; for an audience of one though.

It's a privilege that goes beyond words, playing and serving and helping people meet God through his gift of music. I hope and pray that i will continue to do so for many many years. 

That's enough for now eh?! 

Time for a nice cuppa and maybe some malt loaf. 
O.A.O. (Over and out!)

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