Tuesday, 17 February 2009

Spinning the plates of life...

These are busy times...As a third year University student, I have enough work to do to keep me very busy seven days a week. The other interesting thing about University is that it's so expensive that i take three out of those 7 days to earn enough money to pay the rent...Add to all that the craziness of planning a wedding, preparing mentally and spiritually for marriage, finding a house and a proper job and serving the church, practicing piano, cleaning the bathroom, reading the Bible, sorting out emails (and still having at least a few small moments to relax, sleep, drink coffee and wine and recharge), and it becomes a bit like an elaborate circus act in which I am the proverbial clown attempting to keep each of these plates from smashing to the floor through neglect.

"Why are you wasting your time blogging!?" I hear you cry. (Well I don't actually because no-one follows my blog!) That may be a valid question. Either way I am finding this whole season to be a rather dichotomous one. It's great, then it's terrible. It's blissfully exciting and then terrifyingly exhausting, sometimes in the same wheezing breath. It's like jogging back and and forth between cloud 9 and the seventh circle.
             Spinning plates is tiring. I am learning each day that i must enlist some help, allow people into my life to aid me in this daunting campaign. I also must lean on a massively important doctrinal truth;

1)That God is for me and not against me, that he plans to prosper me, carry me, bless me and show favour towards me. I have grace upon grace and a place to go to find peace and security amidst the terrors of life. 

I must just reiterate something before drawing this entry to it's conclusion; 

Life is incredible. I love it. Despite the exhaustion, the stress and the insanity, there is laughter, fun, blessing, and profound, inexplicable joy. I am not complaining whatsoever. I am more blessed than I thought it possible to be blessed. I have such a deep sense of pleasure in each passing day and am loving this process of learning how to be a good steward of my spinning plates. Hopefully I will one day be skilled enough to help others learn the same lessons that i have learned.

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